At Saint Bede Catholic Church, we strive to make each liturgy a rich and fulfilling experience. To that end we consider the musical element of our worship to be of great importance. Every effort is made to help the worshiping assembly find their voice. Choirs, cantors, and instrumentalists assist in the music ministry of the parish.
If you are visiting or new to our parish community, please introduce yourself to any of our musicians. Christian worship throughout the ages has been closely linked to a great tradition of music that gives glory to God and inspires us to service. It is our intention to carry that mission forward as we bring Christ’s message to our community and the world.
At Saint Bede Catholic Church, our public worship in all liturgies strives to fulfill the spirit that echoes throughout the Constitution of the Sacred Liturgy.
Our parishioners are actively engaged in the various liturgical ministries that function throughout the Mass and other liturgies. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, sacristans, adult acolytes and altar servers, lectors, greeters/ushers, musicians, and sound ministry all perform their roles with dedication, enthusiasm, and a sincere desire to serve. There are always opportunities in each one of these ministries for additional volunteers and we warmly welcome you to join us in serving the Lord and His people.
The acolyte was the candle bearer and messenger in the early days of the church. Today the adult acolyte/senior server oversees the altar servers and helps coordinate the flow of the liturgy. They can also function as an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion.
For more information, contact the coordinator Sam Samorian.
The Altar Server has a special role in helping the priest during Mass. Responsibilities before, during, and after Mass, include lighting the candles, carrying the crucifix, holding the Roman Missal, carrying candles during the Gospel procession, placing bread and wine on the altar, and helping return items to their places after Mass.
Altar Servers have completed the 3rd grade, have been baptized and have received First Holy Communion.
For more information, contact the coordinator Sam Samorian.
The Art and Environment Ministry creates seasonal decorations that help to set the mood for the liturgical seasons. The atmosphere of reverence and beauty all reflect the glory of God whether in the beauty of a flower arrangement, the care of a plant, or images and signs of the paschal mystery.
Extra help is always needed and welcomed during the Christmas and Easter seasons. You will be trained and scheduled every six weeks on a team to care for the plants in the Church. No experience is needed.
For more information contact co-coordinators Elizabeth Buckley and Kelly Cash.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion have a unique opportunity for special communion with their fellow members of the Body of Christ. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are at least 14 years of age, practicing Catholics in good standing with the Church, registered with the parish, and have received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. They are trained to assist with the distribution of the Eucharist. Attendance at two (of six) Eucharistic Formation Sessions are required per year. Once trained, ministers are scheduled for at least two Masses per month.
For more information, contact the coordinator Emma McMillan.
The Joy Ministry is composed of an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion whose mission is to bring the grace and healing power of the Holy Eucharist to any sick or homebound parishioner who cannot attend Mass either regularly or temporarily. They minister at local nursing homes, assisted living facilities, retirement venues, as well as visiting people in their homes. All those willing to serve in this ministry must first be trained as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.
For information on serving in the JOY Ministry email Deacon Bill Westerman or call 757-229-3631 ext. 2119.
Funeral Reception Ministry
The Funeral Reception Ministry is a group of Saint Bede volunteers who offer their time and talents for friends and family of the deceased following the funeral Mass. This ministry recruits both hostesses and bakers willing to take a turn assisting with this parish offering. If you would like to offer your time or baking talents, this ministry is always eager to add new volunteers to its rosters.
For more information on becoming a volunteer hostess or a baker, contact Cindy Coleman.
Saint Bede Catholic Church is an active, welcoming faith community energized by the Eucharist and sensitive to the needs of all. As an integral component of the parish, the Welcome Ministry’s overall mission is to spread the Love and Joy of Christ to every newcomer, visitor, and parishioner.
Greeters joyfully and genuinely welcome each person coming to Mass and/or other Services. These services could include Holy Day Masses, weddings and funerals, Confirmation, and other parish events.
Greeters are asked to come 30 minutes before Mass and continue greeting until the first reading begins. Training and nametags are provided.
For additional information, contact either Dave Clemens or Larry Fronheiser.
Those who are called to the ministry of Lector or Reader apply their talents and time to proclaim God's Word to the worship community. This ministry requires preparation of the Old and New Testament Readings in the Liturgy of the Word. Lectors are also scheduled to serve as Commentators at the beginning of Mass and to lead the community in the Universal Prayer when there is not a Deacon present. After completing an orientation, lectors are scheduled to proclaim the Word approximately once every 4-7 weeks.
All lectors are at least 14 years of age, practicing Catholics in good standing with the Church, registered with the parish, and have received the sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist.
Click here for the current Lector guidelines.
Click here for Daily Mass Lector guidelines.
For more information, please email the Lector Coordinator Peter Kushnick.
The Livestream Ministry team offers their time and talents to help bring the Mass and other liturgies at Saint Bede to those who are unable to attend in person. One may view on the parish website and social media.
Team members also provide livestream viewing and recording for weddings, funerals, baptisms, and other special events.
If you would like to learn more about the Livestream Ministry or if you are interested in becoming a member of our Livestream Ministry team, please contact Chris McFarland for more information.
Sacristans are vital ministers at each liturgy. They are trained Eucharistic Ministers who are responsible for the materials and personnel needed for the celebration of the liturgy. Sacristans arrive at church one hour before their scheduled Mass to prepare the vessels and linens that are used at that liturgy. They place the proper items on the Credence Table and the Gift table. They also check in all the liturgical ministers serving at the Mass. The sacristans distribute the vessels to the Eucharistic Ministers and oversee the serving of Communion to the community. At the end of Mass, after the priest or deacon has purified the vessels, the sacristans store the vessels.
Sacristans are at least 16 years of age, practicing Catholics in good standing with the Church, registered with the parish, and have received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist.
For more information, contact the coordinator Emma McMillan.
The Sound Ministry is composed of approximately 20 volunteers whose mission is to ensure proper operation of the amplified sound system in our Church, with particular attention towards the eight wireless microphone channels used by the priests, readers, lectors, and cantors.
Sound Ministers:
check batteries in the wireless units before each Mass
control the volume for each wireless channel by use of a wireless CRESTRON unit which operates from anywhere within the worship area
in conjunction with the Hospitality Ministry, assist hard-of-hearing parishioners and guests in the use of the Assistive Listening System.
For more information contact Jim Kopenhafer at 757-345-8991 or Les Wallace at 703-675-4360.
Saint Bede Catholic Church is an active, welcoming faith community energized by the Eucharist and sensitive to the needs of all. The Usher ministry serves the Body of Christ at the weekend Masses and Holy Days. We create an atmosphere of joy and reverence and a spirit of hospitality and friendliness among and toward the worshippers gathered to celebrate the Mass.
Our ushers arrive 30 minutes before Mass and assist with seating, collections, and providing attentive listening devices for those with hearing disabilities.
If you enjoy speaking with others and want to get to know more of your fellow parishioners, please contact Jim Carini (757-221-0972).
For more information about Liturgy or Music Ministry at Saint Bede, please contact Aaron Renninger, Director of Liturgy and Music or Laurel Eckenrode, Associate Director of Music.